
illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations

Flea Circus

Golang solution to the 213th problem of the Euler project: "Flea Circus".

Go Http Sum

Golang simple HTTP service with two endpoints, the first contains a JWT OAuth authentication and the other returns the result of text processing.


Command line tool that can be used to benchmark PromQL query performance across multiple workers/clients against a Promscale instance.

Go News Http Service

Simple HTTP service that fetches information from multiple external providers in an efficient way.

Go Fibonacci

Golang Fibonacci is a single endpoint service that listens for GET requests on /fib?n=<n> and calculates n-th Fibonacci sequence number of the given number.

Go Callback Service

Golang simple API that listens for POST requests and requests object information for each incoming request concurrently.

Auction Bid Tracker

This project consists of an authentication and authorisation service, as well as a bidding system based on users and items.

Golang Authentication Service

Golang micro-service implemented with an MVC pattern to manage access to Users.


Golang: RatingsApp is designed to allow authentication and authorisation of users to a rating system. As well as the ability to CRUD a database of ratings.
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