Flea Circus

illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations
Flea Circus

Creation date

Apr 04, 2022


Benchmark, Concurrency, Golang, Portfolio

Project Euler: Problem 213 “Flea Circus”

A 30×30 grid of squares contains 900 fleas, initially one flea per square. When a bell is rung, each flea jumps to an adjacent square at random (usually 4 possibilities, except for fleas on the edge of the grid or at the corners).

What is the expected number of unoccupied squares after 50 rings of the bell? Give your answer rounded to six decimal places.

Implementation plan

  • Implement single simulation
  • Run multiple simulations and calculate average
  • Run simulations in parallel
  • Optimize for better speed, less memory allocations


go run main.go --workers=1 --runs=1000


2022/04/04 22:17:16 Running 1000 simulation(s) in 1 worker(s)...
2022/04/04 22:17:19 Average unnoccupied squares after 1000 simulations: 330.531000
2022/04/04 22:17:19 2.844869326s elapsed


go test -bench=. -benchtime=50x -benchmem

“-benchtime=50x” sets the explicit iteration count to 50 to shorten the benchmark execution time


goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: github.com/noelruault/flea-circus
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkRun1Worker-12                50          74098303 ns/op        72206676 B/op    1125144 allocs/op
BenchmarkRun10Workers-12              50         138845500 ns/op        72192206 B/op    1125151 allocs/op
BenchmarkRun100Workers-12             50         186722515 ns/op        72189076 B/op    1125161 allocs/op

Race condition checks

Running the program with the race detector enabled displays it’s absence of data races

go run -race main.go --workers=10 --runs=500